Làm thế nào để đăng ký trở thành người theo dõi?

Followers can follow the signal source by registering an active account through the following steps.

a. Client registration process

Follower client address:

ClickRegister as a follower

Then fill in the following information in order:

  • Server: Select a server (please note that CopyTrading currently only supports DooPrime-Live1, DooPrime-Live3, DooPrime-Live4, DooPrime-Live5 and DooPrime-Live6 server accounts. Followers must select a signal source account that is consistent with their own server type to complete the following)
  • Transaction account: Fill in the MetaTrader trading account number
  • Password: Fill in the trading password of the MetaTrader account
  • Signal source: Select the signal source to be copied. You can click the chart icon on the right to view the specific information of the signal source and copying conditions
  • Documentary conditions: If the target signal source has set multiple copying conditions, the follower needs to select the specified copying condition here to follow.
  • After filling in the above information, check [I accept the terms of service], and then click [Register] to jump to the following page.

b. Add followers

After successfully registering a follower, click [Add Follower] at the top right of the main page, then fill in [Trading Account], [Signal Source] and [Copy Conditions] in turn, and check [I accept the terms of service].

A follower can follow multiple signal sources at the same time in order to maximize profits.

c. Followers create new trading accounts

On the follower’s [My Account] page, you can add a new trading account by clicking the green [Create] button. However, this account cannot be used to log in, and can only be selected as a signal source, follower or set up to receive performance fees.

Fill in the information in the following order and click Create

  • Server: Select a server (please note, CopyTrading currently supports MT4-Live1, MT4-Live3, MT4-Live4, MT4-Live5 and MT4-Live6 server accounts)
  • Transaction account: Fill in the MetaTrader trading account number
  • Password: Fill in the trading password of the MetaTrader account

Successfully added trading accounts will be displayed in the [My Account] column in order. After successfully creating a trading account here, you can return to the home page and select [Add Signal Source] or [Add Follower] as needed, but please note that followers cannot follow the signal sources created by themselves.

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